KiVar: PCB Assembly Variant Selection for KiCad

My first KiCad Action Plugin was just released: KiVar allows for simple selection of PCB assembly variants.

Variation values and attributes (such as DNP) are defined using simple rules noted in symbol or footprint fields. That is, the variation data is fully contained in the schematic or board, respectively, and no external configuration is required outside the native KiCad design files.

For a quick introduction of the features and how to use them, watch my talk at KiCon Europe 2024.

For documentation and installation instructions, check out KiVar on GitHub.

AVR Fuse Calculator online again

I must admit I seem to have underestimated the loyalty of my AVR Fuse Calculator users.

Just a few days after I relaunched my site, clearing any tracks of the past, a user named Alan politely asked if I could get my famous AVR Fuse Calculator back online. He also pointed out that the tool AVRDUDESS contains a link to my site, which was obviously non-functional for the last few days.

So, my apologies for that temporary degradation, and now let’s welcome the good old AVR Fuse Calculator, embedded in my new blog site. It’s the same backend with a little restyling.

Contact me if you find any new usability issues, but please be aware that I do not have the time to fix any AVR part database issues.

And thank you, Alan, for your kind inquiry.

Notes from a nerd’s mind

Hi there!

Welcome to my new blog at If you came here looking for my private website, then yeah, welcome too! Both sites have been merged into this new blog site.

Whenever I’ll get the feeling that someone could benefit from my experience, I might write an article about it.

Expect some stuff about KiCad, hardware engineering, single-board computers, Linux and so on.

Hope you enjoy!